Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Nautical Fiction
Power & the Glory
A Call to
How Dark the
No Sacrifice too
A Return to

The Power & the Glory
By William C. Hammond
Naval Institute Press, 2011, ISBN 978-1-61251-052-1,
US $29.95 / UK £18.99
The third book in the Cutler
Family Chronicles opens with a brutal
pirate attack on the Mary Beth off
the coast of Cuba in 1797. Combined with
the prologue it sets the historical stage
to provide readers with the background for
what becomes America’s Quasi-War with
France in the last decade of the 18th
century. The real story begins with
chapter two, which recounts the arrival of
the long-awaited schooner that returns
employees of Cutler & Sons and Caleb
Cutler, one of the sons, home to
Massachusetts after a decade of captivity.
On hand to greet his brother is Richard
Cutler, who has been invited to meet with
Captain Thomas Truxton to discuss a
possible commission aboard one of the new
naval frigates, USS Constellation.
Joining the navy and the mercantile ties
his family has in the Caribbean make
Richard an ideal candidate for a secret
mission that brings him face-to-face with
Toussaint L’Ouverture, who seeks to gain
freedom for Haiti from France.
Hammond populates his series with historic
personages and deftly weaves the history
of America’s early navy and the fledgling
nation into the story. Even though this is
the third title in the Cutler Family
Chronicles, it easily works as a
standalone title. Although rife with
nautical language, he expertly provides
definitions and descriptions in such a way
that readers comprehend what’s what
without having these intrude into the
story. If further information is needed,
he also includes a glossary at the end of
the book. At times, his command of
language is such that his sentences have a
poetical flare that provides vivid imagery
that remains with the reader long after
the story ends.
With the skill of a master storyteller,
Hammond spins a gripping tale with
language that captivates the reader,
drawing him/her deeper and deeper into the
tale until he/she visits with the
residents of Hingham, Massachusetts where
the Cutlers live or walks the rolling
decks of the Constellation as she
sails the open sea. Readers will hold
their breath and feel the rapid beating of
their hearts, along with Richard and his
fellow crew members, as a French privateer
captures his sloop or the Constellation
battles the enemy. Hammond whisks
readers back in time on a voyage that
takes them from Boston to Baltimore to
Port Royal to Saint Kitts to
Saint-Domingue to Barbados to the French
West Indies. The Power & the Glory
paints a dramatic portrait of an
oft-neglected period in American history
that won’t soon be forgotten.
Review Copyright ©2012 Cindy Vallar

A Call to Arms
By William C. Hammond
Naval Institute Press, 2012, ISBN
978-1-61251-144-3, US $29.95
Also available in e-book format
United States is once again at war – this time
with Tripoli, one of the Barbary states. The
Cutlers never thought they would have to deal
with the pirates again once Richard helped
rescue Caleb and others from slavery after
Barbary corsairs seized a Cutler ship. With
the war, however, Richard must resume his
naval career, this time as Captain of USS Portsmouth,
and son, Jamie, secures a midshipman’s warrant
and will serve under Commodore Edward Preble
aboard USS Constitution.
Jefferson is resolute in his determination not
to pay the tribute the Bey Yusuf Karamanli
demands. Force is the only way to deal with
the Barbary pirates, but the situation changes
when USS Philadelphia runs aground in
the Tripolitan harbor and her officers and
crew become captives. While Jamie joins
Lieutenant Stephen Decatur and others in a
daring attempt to destroy the American frigate
under the very noses of the pirates, Richard
must locate Hamet Karamanli in Egypt for
William Eaton, an emissary from Jefferson with
a bold plan. Hamet, the rightful ruler of
Tripoli, was deposed by his brother Yusuf, who
holds Hamet’s family prisoners to prevent him
from attempting to regain the throne. Eaton’s
plan places Jamie in jeopardy; if successful,
it will end the war-peace-war cycle once and
for all. Getting Hamet, his followers,
European mercenaries, Egyptians, and nomadic
warriors to work together with the Americans –
and dealing with the hazards of crossing a
desert with little food or water – proves far
more challenging than Eaton suspects. All the
while, diplomats work at cross purposes, which
may make all the naval and military actions
for naught.
This fourth
volume in the Cutler Family Chronicles covers
a four-year period beginning in May 1801.
Hammond adeptly lays the framework for the
audacious invasion that will eventually be
immortalized in “The Marines’ Hymn.” He shows
what it was like for the sailors and marines,
their captains, and their loved ones during
the war, and vividly demonstrates how
frustrating politicians can be when they
interfere in military matters. Readers who
have read the previous volumes in the series
will enjoy being reunited with characters who
feel like family, while newcomers will find
themselves cast into a maelstrom of events
that are spiced with tears, heartache, joy,
and pride.
Copyright ©2013 Cindy Vallar

How Dark the Night
By William C. Hammond
Naval Institute Press, 2014, ISBN
978-1-61251-467-3, US $34.95
fifth book in the Cutler Chronicles opens in
the fall of 1805. Captain Richard Cutler’s
wife, Elizabeth, is recovering from breast
cancer surgery, and he wants to spend more
time with her and the family rather than
always being away at sea. His family’s
shipping company, Cutler & Sons, as well
as C&E Enterprises, an East Indies
shipping company in which the Cutlers have a
stake, face a dilemma. The United States is a
neutral country and believes in free trade,
but Great Britain and France are at war and
both countries attempt to thwart the other by
passing laws that impinge on America’s free
trade and the Cutlers’ ships.
France seizes vessels which put into English
ports before sailing on to Europe, while the
British seize any vessel that fails to heed
laws requiring ships to first dock there
before continuing onward. Nor does the British
Royal Navy see anything wrong with stopping
American ships and impressing seamen.
President Jefferson proposes a series of laws,
known as the Embargo Act, to force these
nations to cease and desist, but will
essentially cripple American trade – a vital
concern to New England. While some men,
including his partner in C&E Enterprises,
talk of secession, Richard doesn’t agree.
Having served in the US Navy and having one
son aboard USS Constitution and
another considering a naval career, he cannot
condone such treasonous talk. But how will he
and his family survive, not to mention the
employees of Cutler & Sons, if their
livelihood disappears?
The history – including the infamous Chesapeake-Leopold
encounter that united the country and nearly
sparked a war five years before it actually
began – spans a mere three years, but what
occurs during this time frame are essential
for understanding how and why the United
States eventually declares war on Great
Britain. Woven into this historical interlude
are family affairs, such as Elizabeth’s
cancer, several Cutler children’s weddings,
and the immigration of Elizabeth’s brother and
his wife to Massachusetts. Hugh Hardcastle’s
experience as a captain in the Royal Navy
makes him a perfect candidate to skipper one
of C&E’s ships. Richard and Elizabeth also
sail to the Caribbean to reunite with other
family members, but on the return trip, their
new Baltimore clipper is overtaken by pirates.
While held captive, Richard meets the leader
of the pirates, a Frenchman named Jean
Laffite, who confiscates the schooner as a
legitimate prize and takes offense at being
called a pirate. He is a privateer! Since this
is a seafaring family, nautical terms abound,
but Hammond also includes a glossary.
As always, Hammond subtly weaves a spell that
draws the reader deeper and deeper into the
world and lives of the extended Cutler family.
Even though we know what the inevitable
outcome will be, we’re left gasping for breath
or sobbing with tears – that is how powerful
the web is that this consummate storyteller
spins. He also has a gift for great imagery in
his sentences. For example, when Richard
considers what will happen if a frigate
attempts to enter the pirate stronghold of
Barataria Bay, he likens that frigate to “a
stricken shark; its tailfin shorn, being
ripped to shreds by a school of dagger-toothed
barracudas.” (73)
Although the passages that place the story and
events into historical context and perspective
may not be appreciated by some readers,
Hammond succinctly and skillfully encapsulates
the thinking of the time and does so with such
clarity that even someone totally unfamiliar
with these episodes in our nation’s past will
easily understand what was occurring and how
these events impacted the people who lived and
experienced them. Those readers who are new to
this family saga need not have read the
previous titles in the series, but after
reading this latest volume, the others will
probably end up on the to-be-read pile. I
highly recommend this book – and a box of
tissues – and I look forward to the next
episode in the Cutler Chronicles.
Copyright ©2014 Cindy Vallar

No Sacrifice Too Great
By William C. Hammond
McBooks Press, 2022, ISBN 978-1-4930-5817-4,
US $28.95 / UK £21.99
e-book ISBN 978-1-4930-5818-1, US $12.99 /
UK £9.99
It is August 1812, and Americans
are once again at war with Great Britain.
Lieutenant Jamie Cutler serves under
Captain Isaac Hull aboard USS Constitution.
On the nineteenth, lookouts spot an enemy
frigate, HMS Guerrière. The
ensuing battle pits an unseasoned crew
against veterans who have been fighting
for two decades. Hardly a fair fight, yet
the Americans achieve the impossible and
sail home to Boston with a prize.
The annexation of Canada is a much
sought-after goal of many Americans. To
that end, brother Will Cutler serves under
Captain Oliver Hazard Perry on the Great
Lakes. This new assignment will test the
young lieutenant and his fellow Americans
as they fight for control of Erie and
Worries and finances snap at their
father’s footsteps during Richard's
retirement. The family business is on the
brink of collapse as a result of the
embargoes and the war which have greatly
crippled trade. This is the life’s blood
of many New Englanders who rely on the sea
to sustain them. It is why brother Caleb
is so opposed to the current
administration in Washington. At times,
his words and actions border on treason.
Richard’s beliefs are too ingrained to go
against his country; when asked to rejoin
the navy as a special emissary and renew
an old acquaintance with Jean Laffite, he
heeds the call.
Cousin Seth is a lieutenant aboard HMS Seahorse,
one of the vessels in Rear Admiral Sir
George Cockburn’s fleet. They seek enemy
privateers in the Chesapeake Bay. Plans
are also afoot to strike a blow that the
Americans will long remember and will
finally exact payback for transgressions
in Canada.
Conflict demands sacrifice, which comes in
many different colors, and each Cutler
pays a price for his devotion to duty and
honor in this sixth volume of The Cutler
Family Chronicles. Spanning two and a half
years, these men bear witness to the
lesser-known, but equally important,
events of the War of 1812: an amphibious
assault on the Niagara River, Cockburn’s
raids along the Chesapeake, the Hartford
Convention, the duel between USS Chesapeake
and HMS Shannon, the invasion
of Washington, and the Battles of the
Thames, Plattsburgh, Northpoint, and Fort
Saint Philip. Aside from the historical
personages already mentioned, appearances
are made by Tecumseh, Commodore Isaac
Chauncey, and Colonel Winfield Scott.
Every once
in a while, a scene steps away from the
story’s action to explain the past and
provide background for the present. One
example occurs in the opening scene of the
fourth chapter. Although a work of
fiction, there are a few minor historical
bobbles. For example, Governor Claiborne
is based in New Orleans, rather than Baton
Rouge, which doesn’t become the capital of
Louisiana until 1849. Nor does Jean
Laffite stay true to his promise to earn
an honest living. While those familiar
with the characters and series will easily
forgive these weaknesses, newcomers may
not find this title as riveting as
previous ones. All readers will agree,
however, that the poignant ending clearly
shows why no sacrifice is too great to
those who willingly fight for what they
believe in.
Copyright ©2022 Cindy Vallar

A Return to Duty
by William C. Hammond
McBooks Press, 2024, ISBN 9781493087341,
US $25.95
Available in other formats

Separated when their ship
wrecks, followed by desperate struggles
to survive, Richard and Anne Cutler
reunite in New South Wales in the fall
of 1845. The reasons that originally
brought them to this part of the world
have been successfully concluded without
them. The British Royal Navy will work
with the United States Navy to suppress
piracy in Asian waters with Imperial
China’s approval. Now, the Cutlers
return home to family and friends, and
to decide what course their lives will
take after their ordeals.
Richard secures leave
from the Navy, while he and Anne work
on a joint writing venture that will
share their story with American
readers. He also steps into the role
of director of Cutler & Sons,
after his predecessor was lost at sea
while in the Far East. In his new
role, he agrees with the older members
of the family that under no
circumstances will Cutler ships import
opium into the United States. Some
younger family members don’t agree
with this since the importation is
Before he decides
whether to resign his commission and
take full control of the family
business, Richard needs to return to
the Far East and confer with their
agents there. He will also work with
the American and Royal Navies in their
attempt to stop the pirates from
seizing merchant ships and to rescue
their captives, many of whom are
American sailors. His journey reunites
him with two of his men from the
shipwreck, both of whom played crucial
roles in their survival after the
disaster. One is Lieutenant Jonathan
“Jonty” Montgomery, who now serves
aboard Columbia. He’s become
smitten with Daisy Cutler, whose
father is the director of the Asian
segment of the company. An encounter
with pirates leads to a severe injury,
but Jonty is determined not to let it
end his naval career. He’s just as
certain that he and Daisy will marry
one day.
The other survivor is
Jack Brengle, Richard’s former
executive officer and now a captain in
his own right. He commands the
steamship that will take Richard to
the Far East. First, though, the pair
must track down Richard’s niece, Lucy
Seymour, who has mysteriously
disappeared. It’s possible that her
disappearance is connected to Harlan
Sturgis, who was romancing Richard’s
mother until she realized all he
wanted was information about the
company to use to his advantage.
A Return to Duty
is the eighth offering in the Cutler
Family Chronicles. It centers around
the lucrative trade of the highly
addictive opium that resulted in war
between China and Great Britain, and
the brutal and persistent marauding of
Chinese pirates on foreign shipping.
The characters are expertly drawn and
they pull you into the story with a
full gamut of emotions. Hammond deftly
weaves his research into his tale
without ever allowing you to notice
that he’s done so. Instead, he
breathes life into a world that no
longer exists and yet seems real
enough to touch. He masterfully crafts
unsettling action involving sharks,
fire ships, bomb vessels, and boarders
in a gut-wrenching climax that is
tempered with love and reunion.
an excerpt
Review Copyright ©2025
Cindy Vallar

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