Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for Adults ~ Biography:
Pirates, Privateers, & Pirate Hunters
History: Navy
Splintering the
Wooden Wall

Drake: For God, Queen, and Plunder
By Wade G. Dudley
Brassey’s, 2003, ISBN 1-57488-406-9, US $19.95
To the English he was a national
hero who played a pivotal role in
thwarting Spain’s attempts to invade
England. To the Spanish he was El
Draque, a heretic and pirate who
plundered without mercy. Sir Francis
Drake, a commoner at birth, entered the
ranks of the nobility as one of Queen
Elizabeth’s most fearsome Sea Dogs and
became a legend in his own time.
Born around 1540 when religious strife
pitted upstart Protestant England against
devout Catholic Spain, Drake became an
ardent supporter of the new religion. With
Henry VIII’s death, Catholicism reared its
head again in England and, like other
Protestants who feared reprisals for their
beliefs, Drake’s family left their
successful farm to reside in the hulk of a
ship in near poverty. This move brought
Drake into close proximity with seamen and
ships, which opened a new world to him. As
a teenager, he fostered with the Hawkins
family, who owned several ships. Drake
worked his way through the ranks from
ordinary seaman to captain of his own
ship, and, in the process, made a name for
himself as an accomplished mariner,
trader, and soldier.
His seafaring ventures brought him wealth
and success as a merchant. His seizure of
the Spanish ship Cacafuego -- the
richest treasure galleon ever plundered --
and his circumnavigation of the globe
brought him prestige. In spite of becoming
a knight of the realm, Drake didn’t
achieve the acceptance he sought. Some
members of the nobility considered him no
better than a pirate because of his
ill-gotten gains.
Although brief in pages, this succinct
biography of Sir Francis Drake is a
marvelous introduction to both the man and
the myth. Dudley’s knack for
examining the totality of time and place
within its historical setting provides the
reader with a focused understanding of the
events that influenced Drake’s life and
beliefs. A consummate storyteller, the
author holds readers' interests while
teaching them to look at history with
fresh eyes and urging them to explore the
subject in more detail.
Review Copyright ©2003 Cindy Vallar

Splintering the Wooden Wall: The
British Blockade of the United States, 1812-1815
By Wade G. Dudley
Naval Institute Press, 2003, ISBN 1-55750-167-X,
US $32.95
wooden wall refers to the ships that patrol
the coasts of a country to curtail maritime
commerce, the lifeblood of any nation. In
1812, the Royal Navy has mastered this
strategy to perfection, having blockaded
French ports in two wars. The fledgling
nation, These United States, dares to declare
war against the mightiest nation on sea and
land. At the time, the American Navy consists
of a few ships. Those of the Royal Navy total
607. To bring a swift conclusion to the war,
the British Admiralty institutes a blockade of
the American coast from New England to the
Gulf of Mexico.
purpose of the blockade is to isolate American
naval and commercial ports. The loss of trade
will cause severe shortages among the
populace. Also, the Royal Navy preys on enemy
merchant vessels, seizing both the ship and
the cargo, which impacts America’s imports and
exports. According to Dudley, “The actual
mechanics for blockading seem simple -- sail
back and forth off the port, watch for enemy
naval activity, and seize all legal prey in
sight.” Theory and reality collide, however.
The logistics of carrying out the blockade and
the geography of the United States make a
simple order extremely complicated. Even so,
naval historians have long believed that the
British blockade “proved highly effective,
pinning American naval forces in their ports,
destroying virtually all American commerce.”
Dudley challenges that interpretation in this
scholarly work about the blockade from its
inception until after the Battle of New
Orleans. He provides a comparative analysis of
the naval blockade in theory and practice.
Through the use of charts, maps, and
illustrations developed from primary
documentation, he demonstrates that the
blockade was anything but successful.
Aside from providing an overview of blockading
strategies and how they developed, Dudley
examines each year of the war and how the
Royal Navy accomplished or failed to
accomplish its orders to erect a wooden wall.
He also compares this blockade to two other
British blockades, both against France.
Sources are cited throughout the text and a
substantial bibliography of primary and
secondary resources is included.
While primarily a work that concentrates on
the problems and effectiveness of this
particular naval stratagem, the book looks at
the privateers who play a significant role in
the war, particularly on the side of the
Americans. Readers will also find significant
information about life at sea in the Royal
Navy and during the Age of Sail.
Review Copyright ©2003 Cindy Vallar

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