Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
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Books for
Adults ~ History: Navy (United Kingdom)

In the Shadow of Nelson: The
Life of Admiral Lord Collingwood
by Denis Orde
Pen and Sword, 2019, ISBN 978-1-5267-6112-5, US $29.95 /
UK £16.99
review by Irwin Bryan
subtitle of this book implies that this is a
biography of one man, Cuthbert Collingwood, but it’s
actually about two men who become close friends when
they serve as midshipmen in His Majesty’s Royal
Navy. Their stories are intertwined from before the
American Revolution until their famous battle off
Trafalgar thirty years later.
The book begins when Collingwood and Horatio Nelson
are already serving in 1773. Although Nelson is just
a teenager, Collingwood is ten years his senior and
still a midshipman. Perhaps recognizing in each
other a truly dedicated officer and a shared hatred
of the French, they become close while spending
their liberties ashore. They maintain this
relationship while corresponding from their
respective ships and stations over the years.
Collingwood becomes a lieutenant after leading a
naval brigade on shore during the Battle of Bunker
Hill in 1775. After fourteen years as a midshipman,
he is named fourth lieutenant on Somerset.
Nelson is examined by officers at the Admiralty and
passed for lieutenant in April 1777.
Later in 1777, they are both assigned to the Jamaica
Station under Rear-Admiral Sir Peter Parker. It
isn’t long before Parker sees that these two
officers are a cut above the rest and takes a strong
interest in their careers. Nelson is transferred to
be third lieutenant aboard Parker’s flagship Bristol.
In three months, when Parker promotes Nelson to
first lieutenant, Collingwood is transferred to the
flagship and becomes the new third lieutenant. Next,
Nelson is made commander of the 12-gun Badger and
Collingwood is Bristol’s first lieutenant.
Before reading this book, I was accustomed to
reading that Collingwood served in the shadow of
Nelson. I always took that to mean that no matter
how hard he fought, he never received the notoriety
and acclaim that Nelson did. And ranked
second-in-command at Trafalgar meant he led his own
line of ships and was the first one to come under
fire and break the enemy’s line. Regardless, it was
considered Nelson’s great victory and Collingwood
who received honorable mention.
I was surprised to read how Parker gave Nelson
several promotions and appointed Collingwood to
replace him every step of the way. When Parker made
Nelson a post-captain in command of the 28-gun
frigate HMS Hinchinbroke, he also made
Collingwood the Badger’s commander. And when
Nelson was moved to command HMS Janus (44),
Collingwood became post-captain of HMS Hinchinbroke.
After languishing for all those years as a
midshipman, he was thrilled to follow Nelson’s rapid
ladder of advancement.
The two captains serve together again in the West
Indies in 1784. After this assignment, there is a
period of peace and the two friends return home
until the French Revolution begins. Both men are
then kept employed until their deaths many years
later. During the Battle of Cape St. Vincent, under
Admiral Sir John Jervis, Nelson becomes a household
name by pulling out of the line of battle and
cutting off the enemy’s retreat. Collingwood comes
to his rescue when the French have him outnumbered,
leaving Nelson free to lead his crew in boarding and
capturing two ships of the line.
The world continues waging war almost non-stop well
into the 19th century, and the two warriors continue
to serve. Both men are made vice-admirals in April
1804. Six months later, Nelson commands the fleet
and Collingwood is his second-in-command as they
lead their respective lines toward the enemy at
Trafalgar. After Nelson dies, Collingwood is kept in
charge of the Mediterranean Fleet without any relief
until he passes away in April 1809.
Pages of black-&-white pictures are found in the
book’s center, including portraits they draw of each
other while in Jamaica. A section of notes and an
extensive bibliography precede the index.
You’ll read about Collingwood’s and Nelson’s battles
and learn their candid thoughts through excerpts
from their many letters. Orde knows both men are
involved in controversies and you’ll read of these
as well; Collingwood feels slighted after his ship
fights hard at the Glorious First of June and Nelson
expresses his views on his superiors’ shortcomings.
This is an excellent view behind the scenes of two
men and a navy at war. If you’re interested in the
Napoleonic Wars or the Royal Navy in the Age of
Sail, this is a great book for you. It provides a
different perspective on naval life and fresh
insights into the battles fought. You also get to
know these two great men and the contributions each
made to a grateful nation.
Copyright ©2020 Irwin Bryan

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