Pirates and Privateers
The History of Maritime
Cindy Vallar, Editor
& Reviewer
P.O. Box 425,
Keller, TX 76244-0425
Books for
Pirate Apprentices ~ Mystery & Suspense

Hostage Three
by Nick Lake
Bloomsbury, 2014, ISBN 978-1-61963-438-1, US $9.99 / CAN
Fields is Hostage Three. Sailing around the world
isn’t in her plans until her father and “the
stepmother” spring the trip on her. Nor does she
expect a pirate to point a gun at her head. But then
life has been turned upside down ever since Somali
pirates board their yacht and take them captive.
Nearly eighteen, Amy coasts through life, testing
boundaries, especially at school, and not truly
understanding that actions have consequences. She
thinks age brings wisdom, money provides safety, and
only old people die. What she discovers is that none
of these maxims are true and that consequences can
be deadly.
This tale includes violence and attempted rape, but
also has a Romeo-and-Juliet-type love story. It’s a
tale of self-awareness and maturity that is
well-researched and filled with nuances that make it
realistic and thought-provoking. The pirates are
portrayed as three-dimensional people rather than
cardboard villains. Although written for young
adults, older readers will find Amy’s story equally
Lake opens this gripping tale with Amy wondering if
she’s facing her last minutes on earth. Having set
the stage, he steps back to let Amy introduce
herself and how she comes to be standing on the
yacht’s diving deck off the coast of Somalia. He
slowly draws us into her privileged world, one in
which she doesn’t quite seem to fit, one in which
she seems lost. While few of us have experienced all
that Amy does, her emotions and responses are ones
with which we can identify. The full impact of what
she endures sneaks up on us, catching us unaware,
but its profoundness affects us just as her
experiences alter her outlook on life.
Copyright ©2014 Cindy Vallar

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